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Are there any risks associated with teeth whitening?

The 2 most common side effects are a slight temporary increase in tooth sensitivity and mild irritation of the soft tissues of the mouth, especially the gums. If it occurs, tooth sensitivity presents in the early stages of whitening. Tissue sensitivity (gums) is more often caused by an ill-fitting aligner. Both of these conditions are temporary and usually go away 1 to 3 days after treatment ends.

Things to know before a whitening treatment

  • Doing a cleaning examination before the treatment is a determining factor because a tooth with a lot of plaque and/or tartar is not in good condition to absorb the whitening product.

  • Existing fillings will not change color. This therefore avoids unpleasant surprises and ending up with different shades (like an ear of May) when you smile.

  • In addition, severely worn teeth can experience hypersensitivity, which would be most unpleasant.

  • These treatments are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

  • If there are abscesses or cavities, it is recommended to treat these before starting the whitening treatment.


At Salon Shanel Beauty, the certified technician applies a gel directly to your teeth followed by an LED light. The result is therefore instantaneous! This is a handy technique for those who are short on time.


Depending on the desired color, a few sessions may be necessary. Most whitening products are made from peroxide and can alter the colors of the tooth itself. However, whitening treatments are not effective for all tooth discolorations.



40 MINUTES $90

60 MINUTES $120

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